Help Support Travis Heights Elementary!
Established in 1939, Travis Heights Elementary School (THES) is a diverse, welcoming gem. Over 65% of students are economically disadvantaged, and close to 30% are learning English as a second language. The school is home to many refugee students from around the world, speaking languages as diverse as Spanish, Arabic, Farsi and Pashto. Travis Heights has an acclaimed Dual-Language program, in which over 200 of our 500 students participate.
There are many ways to support the innovative educational programs at Travis Heights Elementary! If you would like to volunteer to help the parent fundraising team with grant writing, event planning, donor relations or recruiting business sponsors, please email
Make a Financial Donation
Travis Heights Elementary is committed to serve everyone, but the school still struggles financially. Our innovative Blended Learning and Project-Based Learning (PBL) programs require more resources in software, technology and teacher training than AISD can provide. Additionally, many of our students have a better chance of success when we are able to provide after-school tutoring and additional academic supports. Other AISD schools only a few miles away boast PTA budgets and resources at 10 to 20 times the size of our budget. But what the school lacks in funds, it makes up for in commitment, passion and heart.
Your financial donations make a huge different to our students and teachers. DONATE NOW
Donate items from our Wish list!
These items are always needed:
Gift Cards (for prizes & incentives), White Copy Paper, Post-It Notes, Book Tape, Staples, Pencils, Tape Dispenser Refills, Chalk, Popsicle Sticks, Index Cards, Colored Sharpies, Dry Erase Markers, Paper Towels, Hand Sanitizer, Classroom Prizes (small toys, games, activities)
These items are needed from time to time:
New underwear (boys & girls); Gently used clothing, especially pants and shorts; Gently used small toys, games, and stuffed animals to use as prizes for our Fall Carnival; Our library is always willing to accept donations of gently used books. Just check first to see if Travis Heights already has a copy.
Support THES while you Shop!
Amazon Smile

Create an AmazonSmile account linked to your current Amazon account. This unique link will take you directly to the page where you can support Travis Heights Elementary: Remember to start at when doing your shopping! Google Chrome has a plugin that will automatically redirect to your Amazon Smile page when you go to shop. Travis Heights will receive 0.5% of your eligible purchases.

No more clipping! Scan your receipts. THES receives $.10 for each box top! Check out to download the app and learn more.
Facebook Donate
For any occasion, such as your birthday or Giving Tuesday, update your Facebook status with the “Support Nonprofit” button and select Travis Heights Elementary. Ask your friends to donate to your community school in lieu of gifts, and their donations will go directly to our school.
Office Depot/OfficeMax
Basic school and office supplies qualify for 5% back to Travis Heights! When you check out, tell the clerk you want to designate the purchase for Give Back to Schools. The number for THES is 70094557. If shopping online, on the payment page under additional information, enter BTS-70094557 in the comment box. Past purchases made within the current calendar quarter can still be entered for credit! Just take your receipt to the store or go to
Become a Business Partner!
If you are a local business, supporting your neighborhood school not only makes our community great by supporting its future leaders, you have the opportunity to promote your business and develop an affinity toward your business among prospective customers. Put your marketing dollars to good use by supporting Travis Heights Elementary School.
We are also happy to accept in-kind donations such as gift cards for raffles and food and/or coffee for teacher meetings and special events. Please email to become a Business Partner or to offer in-kind donations.