After School Care

After School Learning Opportunities
Austin ISD knows the value of high-quality after-school learning opportunities. After-School programs provide students with safe, enriching and structured learning environments. To support Austin families and staff, a variety of afterschool programs are available.
- Please note this list is not comprehensive and some programs may only accept students from certain schools. For more information on the various after-school offerings and enrollment requirements, please visit the following websites or reach out to your campus.
- Boys and Girls Club of the Austin Area
- Circle C Child Development Center
- Extend-A-Care YMCA
- Third Base
- VICTORY Tutorial Program
- Twilight Evening School Program
During Regular School Years:
After-School Programs
After-school program providers help give students and families options for safe, enriching care in the hours after the school day has ended. Fee-based care is available on-site from two providers, Extend-A-Care and Creative Action. A third after-school program, Boys & Girls Club, picks up participants at Travis Heights and transports them to the program site.
Extend-A-Care for Kids
Extend-A-Care provides onsite after-school programs from the end of the school day until 6 p.m. EAC serves children ages pre-K-5, with a range of activities, including reading and homework time; games and puzzles; art projects; sports and outdoor games; dramatic play; building blocks and construction and more. To learn more, see pricing and register, visit: Extend-A-Care or call (512) 472-9402.
Creative Action After School
Creative Action After School engages students in fun, hands-on creative learning in filmmaking, music, puppetry, digital media, visual art, dance/movement, creative writing, and acting. Creativity classes are led by our expert Teaching Artists, all while expanding the development of social and emotional skills needed to become Creative Artists, Courageous Allies, Critical Thinkers, and Confident Leaders.After School runs every day of the AISD calendar from the end of the school day until 6 p.m. Financial aid is available.For more information and to register: Creative Action
Boys and Girls Club
Boys and Girls Club is located off-site, and provides bus transportation to their location from the school. Boys and Girls Club serves ages 6-18 and provides activities in the arts, character & leadership development, technology & career development, health and life skills, as well as sports, fitness and recreation. To find out more, look at this flyer: Boys and Girls Club
Other After-School Enrichment Activities
Travis Heights Elementary School offers weekly after-school clubs/activities and Prime Time classes, often including physical activities (ultimate frisbee, soccer, yoga), gardening, cooking, book club, Korean, art, etc. Watch for information about the latest offerings on the Travis Heights website and in the Wednesday e-folders.